Technical Services
FoCoSS Forensics can perform scientific examinations in various disciplines and sub-disciplines within forensic science to assist in your case needs. Our areas of expertise include: Latent Prints (fingerprints, palm prints and other), Firearm functionality examinations and microscopic comparison of bullets, cartridge cases (casings) and shotshells, Toolmark comparisons, Footwear (shoe) impressions, Tire track impressions, Physical Fracture Match evidence, Obliterated serial number restoration, Glass analysis, Powder Gunshot Residue examination for determining shooting distance, odometer and speedometer examinations, Bloodstain Pattern documentation and analysis, and miscellaneous impression evidence (e.g. glove or fabric impressions). In addition to performing examination in these areas, we can perform technical reviews of work completed by other laboratories.
Additionally, FoCoSS Forensics can assist you be performing technical reviews of work completed by other laboratories. We can provide this service in the areas of Crime Scene processing, Trace evidence, Drug chemistry and Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS).
Please contact us of you have a need in an area that we do not have listed here as we have many associate scientists that work closely with us.