Verifications and Reexaminations
Verifications are an integral part of a forensic identification. FoCoSS Forensics can conduct both traditional verifications as well as blind re-examination of examiner conclusions. A blind re-examination of a forensic examiner’s work greatly helps in the elimination of biases associated with investigations.
FoCoSS Forensics can provide either work-product notes to supplement the case file or an independent report summarizing the conclusions reached by our in-house, International Association for Identification (IAI) and Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners (AFTE) certified criminalists.
We specialize in conducting verifications for other crime labs and forensic units. The evidence or work product can be sent directly to us for an independent re-examination or we can make arrangements to visit your agency to complete the work.
Regarding independent casework done by FoCoSS Forensics, rest assured that all reported results will be based on an initial examination and an independent blind reexamination performed by our experts.