Independent Forensic Consultants
Providing Services Nationwide
*Since 2007*
Today’s forensic laboratories are held to very high standards, and for good reason. In the era of the “CSI Effect”, juries expect to be dazzled with the results of physical evidence examinations. The fact that these results are so powerful in a courtroom makes it imperative that they should be accurate and based on scientific facts. The impartial experts at FoCoSS Forensics (pronounced 'focus') will ensure this has been done.
In an ever-changing field, FoCoSS Forensics strives to stay ahead of the curve with regards to the National Academy of Sciences’ (NAS) report "Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward,” as well as, the resulting proposed Criminal Justice and Forensic Science Reform Act from the office of Senator Patrick Leahy.
Whether it is an attorney seeking assistance with a case or a forensic laboratory looking for quality technical reviews, FoCoSS Forensics will give you the peace of mind you seek. Having experience working in an ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory and earning a unique combination of professional certifications, our criminalists have what it takes.