About Us
Forensic Comparative Science Specialists, LLC, d/b/a FoCoSS Forensics (pronounced 'focus'), is an independent forensic consulting company located in Concord, New Hampshire. We are a unique, privately owned company offering a variety of services ranging from case review of general criminalistics to expert testimony on technical aspects of various forensic disciplines. What sets FoCoSS apart from other consulting firms is that every case is worked following the modern guidelines set forth by ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) for Forensic Science concerning standardized testing procedures with regard to evidence integrity, note taking, and the verification process. Every case will have the full professional attention of a certified expert.
FoCoSS Forensics currently has seven subject matter experts to assist with your forensic needs. The team collectively has close to 200 years of forensic experience and holds multiple international certifications. Being certified by the International Association for Identification (IAI) and the Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners (AFTE), FoCoSS experts cumulatively hold certifications in the areas of Latent Prints, Footwear, Firearms, Toolmarks, Gunshot Residue/Shooting Distance Determination, as well as, Crime Scene Processing/Analysis and Crime Scene Reconstruction. FoCoSS Forensics also proudly has the only two criminalists in the world who have achieved multiple international certifications in the forensic disciplines of fingerprints, firearms, tool marks and gunshot residue.
At FoCoSS Forensics, we believe that as both forensics scientists and expert witnesses in a court of law, it is imperative to retain the highest level of moral and ethical standards. We strive to provide services which are both scientifically objective and fair to all concerned parties. We will not rest until all parties understand the scope and results of our work as we bring focus to the case and to the court.
We offer assistance to criminal case attorneys, civil case attorneys, appellate attorneys, courts, law enforcement agencies, private parties, corporations, universities, and the media. If FoCoSS Forensics can be of assistance to your case or project, please do not hesitate to contact us.